It's Library Card Sign-Up Month!

 It's Library Card Sign-Up Month!

Happy Library Card Sign-Up Month! Even though you can sign up for a library card year round, September is an extra special time for libraries to share why getting a library card is a great idea—especially for a kid! Check out our top 5 reasons why children should get their very own card:

1. Responsibility 

With their own library cards, kids can be responsible for the materials they check out and learn that there are consequences when items aren’t returned on time. Keeping track of the library card itself is also a fantastic skill to have—even in adulthood! 

2. Access to Free Resources

We have plenty of free online resources for our youngest patrons available through our website. From research databases like Explora to creative online classes via Creativebug, there’s something that will appeal to every kid!

3. Sense of Autonomy

Having a library card empowers kids to make their own reading choices and enables them to explore different types of books, music, and more in a risk-free environment! Libraries also allow kids to pick out whatever they want without relying on a guardian to make a financial commitment. 

4. Decision-Making Skills

There are literally thousands of titles to choose from in a library, and a kid in a library is just like a kid in a candy store! Our littlest patrons get to learn pretty quickly about moderation and choosing thoughtfully when they have their own cards.

5. Pure Joy

We love seeing a kiddo’s eyes light up when they get their first library card! A library card is often the first “official” or “grown-up” document that a kid can carry in their wallet, and there's something special about having an important item with one's name on it that gives kids a sense of pride and excitement.  

There is nothing more exciting than getting a library card! Our building may be closed, but you can still sign up for a card during curbside hours Monday-Friday from 12-6 PM and Saturdays from 10 AM-2 PM. The first 20 kids who sign up in September will receive a free library card holder! We hope to see you soon!
